Sunday, May 29, 2005

John Mildmay's manuscript from 9 October 1652

I suspect that the 9 October 1652 date on John Mildmay's document is "New Style", as it appears in a Dutch book. John Mildmay's document is entitled: "The examinacion of Captain John Jacobson [Jan Jacobszoon van Nes] aged 52 yeares taken on board the Nonsuch by Captain John Myldmay". The document says:
Sayth that hee is an Inhabitant of Roterdam and Captian of the shipp Gorcum a frigatt betweene 30 and 40 peeces of ordinance (being the States shipp) and Rear Admirall to the Holland Admirall White (de With; that they have bin forth about a month and that they were in the Channell as hye as Beachy, butt by strong wind put to leeward as ffarr as Newport, and about 10 dayes agoe they mett Admirall Rutter with his ffleet off Ostend; he came from the West of England and sendinge part of his ffleet home wantinge vicutall, himselfe with 16 more of the best, two being East India shipps, joyn'd with Admirall White, so they came all together to the backe of the Goodwin Sand to seeke the Parliaments fleet to fight them; and that 2 dayes before wee mett them Admirall White called Counsaile and proposed to goe into the Downes to fight the Parliaments, but most of the Captaines were unfwillinge to itt, butt in fine White sayd he would goe, but the Parliaments ffleet coming forth prvented them. An further said nott.
This is quoted in its entirety on page 24 in Dr. Colenbrander's book Bescheiden uit Vreemde Archieven omtrent De Groote Nederlandsche Zeeoorlogen 1652-1676, Vol.I, 1919. It doesn't really address the issue about the seeming misunderstanding about Gideon de Wildt, but I suspect that the officer captured was Jan Jacobszoon van Nes (1600-1672), not Gideon de Wildt.

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