Monday, May 23, 2005

English Captain: Richard London

Richard London served in the Restoration navy. In 1665, he was a lieutenant on the 2nd Rate Old James. Later in 1665, he was lieutenant on the 1st Rate Royal James. He became lieutenant on the 3rd Rate Monmouth in 1667. In December 1668, he sat on a court martial for Captain Scott, Sir Thomas Allin's master, who was cashiered from the service. He was serving in Sir Thomas Allin's squadron that was operating in the Mediterranean Sea. Richard London spoke Spanish, so he was often used as an interpreter. In 1669, he was lieutenant on the Resolution. His first command was the 5th Rate Guernsey, to which he was appointed in 1670. In 1671, he was appointed to the 3rd Rate Montagu. In 1672, Prince Rupert appointed him to command the 5th Rate Norwich. Sources:
  1. R. C. Anderson, The Journals of Sir Thomas Allin, Vol.II 1667-1678, 1940.

  2. J.R. Tanner, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Naval Manuscripts in the Pepysian Library at Magdalene College, Cambridge, Vol.I, 1903.

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