States' Ships Commander Ship Guns Crew Adriaan Banckert Hollandia 36 116 Jacob Wolfertszoon Meerman 34 100 Adriaan Nicolaesz Kempen Amsterdam 32 100 Joost Willemsz Block Zeelandia 32 85 Frans Crijnsz Mangelaer Liefde 28 111 Cornelis Evertsen de Oude Wapen van Zeeland 28 85-111 Adriaan Jansz den Oven Neptunus 28 85-111 Gillis Janszoon Zeeridder 28 85-111 formerly Joost Banckert Liefde 26 85 Claes Jansz Sanger West Capelle 26 104 formerly Cornelis Kuiper Goes 26 85 Laurens Pensier Sint Jan 26 85 Dingeman Cats Gecroonde Liefde 24 85 Pieter Gorcum Dordrecht 17 Cornelis Kuijper Jager 14 40 (often called the Gloeyenden Oven) Hired Ships Commander Ship Guns Crew Lambert Bartelszoon some ship 28 85 Filips Joosten Hollandia 26 85 Daniel Cornelisz Brackman some ship 24 85
Discussion devoted mainly to the Anglo-Dutch Wars (at sea), including ships, battles, and persons. Our website,, is the primary outlet for artwork, research results, and more formal analysis and commentary. Copyright (c) 2003-2007 James C. Bender
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Perhaps we can make some progress on the Admiralty of Zeeland in March 1653
De Jonge's list for March 1653 might be helpful in filling in missing information for the ships of the Admiralty of Zeeland. In March 1653, they had 15 States' ships and 3 hired ships in service. Two of the States' ships were jachts. Carl Stapel has already made a valiant effort to complete the list. I have found that I cannot account for all the ships that I believed to be in service in March 1653, and this is probably another example. For people who have studied the information previously, a number of ships are listed with fewer guns than normal, such as the Wapen van Zeeland. In any case, this is my version of the list, as given by De Jonge: