Wednesday, June 07, 2006

My current research project

For the short term, I am working on an improved list of the Dutch ships which fought in the Three Days' Battle, or Battle of Portland. I am using The First Dutch War, Schetsen uit de Geschiedenis van ons Zeewezen, the Hollandsche Mercurius for 1653, some archival documents from 1653, and De Sneuper website for Frisian ships and captains. I also will be reluctantly using Dr. Ballhausen's book, despite its obvious faults. I will also be consulting the volume of Saken van Staet in Oorlogh in ende omtrent de Vereenigte Nederlanden that covers early 1653 and Hondius's book Onstelde-Zee oft Zeedaden voorgevallen tusschen d. Vereenigde. Nederland en Engelandt, from 1654. I don't expect much from the last, but feel compelled to consult it for completeness.

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