Saturday, June 10, 2006

Dutch Naval Officer: Gerard van Meeckeren

Gerard van Meeckeren was a Zeeland naval officer. He lived from about 1500 until about 1570. He was a Vice-Admiral of Flanders, Holland, and Zeeland from 1523 until 1553. In 1528, he fought the French near Dieppe and sank the French vice-admiral. In 1532, he was vice-admiral of a squadron in the Sound. He was Lieutenant-Admiral of the admiralty of Burgundy-Beveren in 1533. Also in 1533, he opened the Sound for Dutch shipping. In 1636, he took many prizes in the war on France. In 1543, he was a squadron commander on the French coast. He burnt many ships in the Garonne. In 1544, he was a squadron commander in the Channel. On 1 December 1553, he was Vice-Admiral of Dunkirk. As Vice-Admiral of Dunkirk, he was responsible for the supervision of the Dunkirk herring fishery. He left the service on 2 July 1562. This is based on my translation of the two sources. Sources:
  1. Luc Eekhout, Het Admiralenboek: De Vlagofficieren van de Nederlandse marine 1382-1991, 1992
  2. J. C. Mollema, De Eere Rol, from Geschiedenis van Nederland ter Zee, Vol.II, 1940

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