Discussion devoted mainly to the Anglo-Dutch Wars (at sea), including ships, battles, and persons. Our website, kentishknock.com, is the primary outlet for artwork, research results, and more formal analysis and commentary. Copyright (c) 2003-2007 James C. Bender
Thursday, August 31, 2006
I have an odd question
The Friesland jacht Waterhond
The jacht Waterhond, Capt. Oosteroon Length from stem to sternpost: 100ft Beam: 24ft Hold: 11ft Height over hold: 5-1/2ft 16 guns Crew: 60 men
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Witte Eenhoorn
32 guns: 6-iron 12pdr 20-iron 8pdr 2-brass 6pdr 2-iron 6pdr 2-iron 4pdr
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The ship Amelia, in 1652
The ship Amelia, Capt. Willem van der Zaan Length from stem to sternpost: 120ft Beam: 28ft Hold: 10-1/2ft Height over hold: 6-1/2ft 28 guns: 4 brass 12 lbs 14 gotelingen 8 lbs 4 brass 6 lbs 4 gotelingen 6 lbs 2 drakes 4 lbs Crew: 90 men
Monday, August 28, 2006
More thoughts on the Rotterdam ship Schiedam
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Ron van Maanen's list of ships
Saturday, August 26, 2006
The Jaarveld, wrecked in January 1653
The ship Jaarsveld built for the Admiralty of Amsterdam in 1651 Length from stem to sternpost: 130ft Beam: 32ft Hold: 13ft Height over hold: 7ft 44 guns Crew: 150 men
Friday, August 25, 2006
The Rotterdam ship Schiedam
A candidate for Ruth Jacobsz Buys' ship from Ron van Maanen's document
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The hired ship Susanna
The ship Susanna, Capt. Pieter Jansz de Vries Length from stem to sternpost: 133ft Beam: 29-1/2ft Hold: unknown Height above hold: 6-1/4ft Guns: 4-12pdr 10-8pdr 6-6pdr 6-4pdr 2-3pdr 2-steenstukken Crew: 100 men
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The hired ship Venetia
The ship Venetia, Capt. Jacob Schellinger Length from stem to sternpost: 130ft Beam: 28ft Hold: unknown Height over hold: 6-1/4ft 28 guns: 10-12pdr 14-6pdr 4-3pdr
17th Century Naval Wargaming is back
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
A spurt of new information
Monday, August 21, 2006
A hired ship named Engel Gabriel
Length from stem to sternpost: 136ft Beam: 29ft-6in 36 guns: 18-12pdr 2-8pdr 12-6pdr 4-4pdrThis is a ship hired in 1652, in Amsterdam. On what might be the second page, it is signed by Isaac Sweers on 12 August 1652.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Abraham van der Hulst's ship in 1652
- Pieter Casteleyn, Hollandsche Mercurius, 1652
- Hendrik de Raedt, Lyste van de schepen van Oorloge onder het beleyt Admirael Marten Harpersz. Tromp, 1652
- A. Vreugdenhil, Ships of the United Netherlands 1648-1702, 1938
Is this ship model supposed to be the Gouda that served in the First Anglo-Dutch War?
the Ship Gouda, Capt. Ooms Length from stem to sternpost: 116ft Beam: 29ft Hold: 11-1/4ft Height between decks: 6ft-7in 28 guns: 4 brass 12 lbs 12 gotelingen 8 lbs 4 brass 6 lbs 6 gotelingen 6 lbs 2 brass chambered 4 lbs Crew: 90 men
Saturday, August 19, 2006
So how did Dutch ships carry their guns?
I do not have information for 1652 and 1653 about how Dutch ships carried their guns. Most Dutch ships were apparently two deckers, although the waist was not armed. I can only speculate, although I can at least make educated guesses.
For example, Hendrick Kroeger's ship 1652, up until 22 July, was the Marcus Curtius. The Marcus Curtius carried 6-iron 8pdr, 8-iron 6pdr, 4-iron 4pdr, probably 4-iron 3pdr, and 2-iron 2pdr. Presumably, the lower tier consisted of 6-8pdr, 8-6pdr, and 4-4pdr, for a total of 18 guns. That would mean 9 guns on a side. I would then guess that 4-3pdr were carried on the quarterdeck and 2-2pdr on the forecastle. The 2pdr could also have been on the poop. A different plan would have been used for Albert Claesz de Graeff's ship, the Hollandia.
The Hollandia was armed with 4-brass 12pdr, 14-iron 12pdr, 14-iron 6pdr, and 2-iron 4pdr. I would hazard a guess that all the 12pdrs were on the lower tier, all the 6pdrs were on the upper tier, with the waist unarmed, and the 2-4pdr were on the poop (or whatever level that would be, one deck higher).
Sources:- list of Amsterdam ships hired in 1652, from the Wrangell Collection at the Riksarkivet, in Stockholm, Sweden
Friday, August 18, 2006
English Naval Officer: George Delavall
- William Laird Clowes, The Royal Navy: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present, Vol.II, 1898
- William Laird Clowes, The Royal Navy: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present, Vol.III, 1898
- David Syrett, R. L. DiNardo, The Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy 1660-1815, 1994
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Isaak Sweers' ship, the Engel Gabriel (36 guns)
The ship the Engel Gabriel, Capt. Sweers Length from stem to sternpost: 130ft Beam: 30ft Hold: 13-1/2ft Height between decks: 6-1/2ft 36 guns: 18 gotelingen 12 lbs 10 gotelingen 8 lbs 4 gotelingen 6 lbs 4 gotelingen 4 lbs Crew: 120 men
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The Amsterdam Directors' ship Walvisch
the ship Walvisch, kapitein Abraham Verleth Length from stem to sternpost: 128ft Beam: 29ft Hold: 12-1/2ft Height between decks: 7ft 28 guns: 10-12pdr 8- 8pdr 8- 6pdr 2- 3pdr Crew: 110 men
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Cornelis Cornelisz de Groot
The ship, the Samson kapitein Cornelis Cornelisz de Groot Length from stem to sternpost: 119ft Beam: 28 or 28-1/4ft Hold: 13ft Height between decks: 6-1/4 or 6-1/2ft 28 guns: 12-12pdr 6- 8pdr (or 8-8pdr) 8- 6pdr (or 6-6pdr) 2- 3pdr Crew: 110 menIt is not unusual that the information is not consistent across documents. The best document lacks gun information. There may be another document, and I probably need to check my original copy to see if I can read more.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Do we actually know information about the Rotterdam Directors' ship Sint Pieter?
Sint Pieter Length from stem to sternpost: 123ft Beam: 28ft-7in Hold: 12-1/2ft Height between decks: 6-1/2ft 28 guns: 10-12pdr 8-8pdr 8-6pdr 2-3pdrThe page was copied poorly, so we cannot read the crew size, which must be on the original, bound page. Given the heading on the page, perhaps the list could include a non-Amsterdam vessel. Otherwise, there is a mystery ship named Sint Pieter hired by the Amsterdam Directors (which is always a slight possibility).
Sunday, August 13, 2006
How much we know about the Zeeland jacht Dordrecht
the jacht Dordrecht Length: 85ft Beam: 21ft (est) Hold: 9.5ft (est) 17 guns: 4 12pdr 7 6pdr 6 3pdr Crew: 50 menSimilar jachts in 1666 had dimensions of 86ft x 22ft x 9.75ft
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Abraham van der Hulst's ship in 1652
- Pieter Casteleyn, Hollandsche Mercurius, 1652
- Hendrik de Raedt, Lyste van de schepen van Oorloge onder het beleyt Admirael Marten Harpersz. Tromp, 1652
- A. Vreugdenhil, Ships of the United Netherlands 1648-1702, 1938
Friday, August 11, 2006
The hired ship Catharina
The ship, the Catharina, Capt. Bogaart (called Bogard in the list) Length from stem to sternpost: 116ft Beam: 25ft Hold: 11-1/2ft Height between decks: 6-1/2ft 24 guns: 6 gotelingen 8 lbs 8 gotelingen 6 lbs 4 gotelingen 4 lbs 4 gotelingen 3 lbs 2 brass bases 3 lbs Crew: 70 men
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The 24-gun hired ship Keijser
The ship, the Keijer, Capt. ter Stegen Length from stem to sternpost: 122ft Beam: 25ft Hold: 11-1/2ft Height between decks: 6ft 24 guns: 6 gotelingen 8 lbs 8 gotelingen 6 lbs 8 gotelingen 4 lbs 2 gotelingen 2 lbs Crew: 70 men (later, as many as 80 men)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Just to confuse matters more: Hendrick de Raedt's list
Ship Commander Guns Crew a ship Abraham van der Hulst 26 100 Star Jacob Paulusz Cort 28 95 Campen Joris van der Zaan 38 130Two of these appaer in the document from the Wrangel Collection, and are said to be hired for a specified cost. I would have guessed that Abraham van der Hulst's ship was hired, as there seem to be no States' ship that would have been available for him to command.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Albert de Graeff's ship Hollandia
The ship Hollandia, Capt. de Graeff Length from stem to sternpost: 130ft Beam: 29ft Hold: 13ft Height between decks: 6-1/2ft 32 guns (actually, 34 guns): 4 brass guns 12 lbs 14 iron gotelingen 12 lbs 14 iron gotelingen 6 lbs 2 iron gotelingen 4 lbs Crew: 90 men
Monday, August 07, 2006
The fireship Graaf Sonderlandt
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Dirck Schey's ship, the Achilles (or Achillis)
The ship Achillis, Capt. Scheij Length from stem to sternpost: 131ft Beam: 29ft Hold: 13ft Height between decks: 7ft-7in 28 guns: 4 iron gotelingen 12lbs 12 iron gotelingen 8lbs 8 iron gotelingen 4lbs 2 iron gotelingen 2lbs Crew: 90 men
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Hillebrandt Jeroenszoon's ship, the Hollandsche Tuin
The ship Hollandsche Tuin, Captain Hillbrandt Jeroenssen Length from stem to sternpost: 116ft Beam: 26ft Hold: 11-1/2ft Height between decks: 6ft 24 guns: 6 gotelingen 8lbs 8 gotelingen 6lbs 4 gotelingen 4lbs 2 gotelingen 3lbs 4 gotelingen 2lbs Crew: 70 men
Friday, August 04, 2006
I use my Zeven Provincien mousepad at work
The large ship Drie Coningen hired in 1652
The ship, the Drie Coningen, Capta. Lucas Aelbrechtsz. Length from stem to sternpost: 145ft Beam: 30ft Hold: 14-1/2ft Height between decks: 6-3/4ft Armed with 24 guns and of the State: 12 guns 36 guns: 16 gotelingen 12lbs 10 gotelingen 8lbs 6 gotelingen 6lbs 4 gotelingen 4lbs Crew: 120 men
Thursday, August 03, 2006
A different sort of 24 gun ship: the Marcus Curtius
The ship Marcus Curtius, Capt. Kroeger Length from stem to sternpost: 120ft Beam: 25ft Hold: 11ft Height between decks: 5-1/2ft 24 guns: 6 iron gotelingen 8 lbs 8 iron gotelingen 6 lbs 4 iron gotelingen 4 lbs 4 iron gotelingen 3 lbs (?) 2 iron gotelingen 2 lbs Crew: 70 menThe low height between decks is striking. The ship also has a length-to-beam ratio of 4.8, which is pretty large.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
How do these dimensions for the Edam compare to those measured by the English?
- H.A. van Foreest and R.E.J. Weber, De Vierdaagse Zeeslag 11-14 Juni 1666, 1984
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Simon van der Aeck's ship, the Amsterdam
The ship Amsterdam, kapitein Sijmon van der Aeck Length from stem to sternpost: 130ft Beam: 29ft Hold: 13ft 30 guns: 10 gotelingen of 12 lbs 8 gotelingen of 8 lbs 8 gotelingen of 6 lbs 4 gotelingen of 3 lbs