Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Willem Codde van der Burgh

Willem Codde van der Burgh lived from about 1600 to 1666. He served the Admiralty of Amsterdam. He was a captain in 1624 and commandeur in 1630.

In 1626, he fought against the Dunkirkers,hunted in the area and bombarded Dunkirk. In 1627, he served under Reael in the Atlantic Ocean and on the coast of Morocco. In 1628-1629, he fought against the Dunkirkers. In 1630, he was a squadron commander in the North Sea. In 1631, Hunted a Spanish ship with reinforcements for Dunkirk near the area of Calais. He accompanied a convoy to the Shetlands. In 1634-1636, he was a squadron commander before Dunkirk. In 1636, dismissed because of indignation of the Dutch people over the desultery manner of the blockade, is blessed. 1638-1639, he served under Tromp before Dunkirk and at the Battle of the Downs. In 1643, he left the service. He was proposed for Vice-Admiral in 1665.

This is my translation of what is in Mollema's "Honor Roll".

My list has two of his ships:

Note date:5/1628
Captain:Willem Janszoon Codde
Size:300 lasts

Note date:1628
Captain:Willem Janszoon Codde
Size:160 lasts

As lasts were often just estimated, and there was not a closed form calculation that you can perform, we can only guess at the dimensions. A way of estimating size would be:

Length x Beam x Hold / K, where K could be something like 237 or 217.

160 lasts x 237 = 116ft x 27-1/4ft x 12ft, for example.

This comes out quite nicely, and is a "standard" size.

300 lasts x 235 = 143ft x 34ft x 14-1/2ft

This makes for a large ship!

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