Discussion devoted mainly to the Anglo-Dutch Wars (at sea), including ships, battles, and persons. Our website, kentishknock.com, is the primary outlet for artwork, research results, and more formal analysis and commentary. Copyright (c) 2003-2007 James C. Bender
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Perhaps the Koninklijke Bibliotheek has Hendrick Ernst de Bertry's journal
I realized that the Koninklijke Bibliotheek has a list of pamphlets that Dr. Elias calls "Pamflet Knuttel". Apparently, that is the publication by KNUTTEL, W.P.C., Catalogus van de Pamfletten-Verzameling berustende in de Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Utrecht,1978. This is the reprint of the 1890-1920 edition. "Met handgeschreven verbeteringen, aanvullingen en varianten.Inleidend essay en handleiding voor de gebruiker door H. van der Hoeven". With a summary in English. 9 parts in 10 vols. Ocl,4763p. - 'Description of ca. 35.000 pamphlets. Standard-work'. The cost from one bookseller is 972 euros. One item that I am particularly interested in is "Journael of Dag-Register, Gehouden op het Schip Hollandia. Daer Capiteyn op is Jonkheer Hendrik Ernst de Bertry" (which Dr. Elias says is Pamflet Knuttel no.7178). The journal dates from 1652. The Hollandia was a ship hired by the Admiralty of Rotterdam.