Admiralty of Amsterdam Commander: Ship Guns Crew kapitein Jan van Campen Overissel 30 114 kapitein Overcamp Pelicaen 24 110 kapitein van den Bos Engel Gabriel 28 110 kapitein Ary van Loenen Goude Reael 28 73 kapitein Evert Anthonissen Hollandia 32 110 kapitein Gillis Thyssen Campen Groningen 40 175 Noorderkwartier Commander: Ship Guns Crew kapitein Jan Heck Eenhoorn 80 kapitein Gerrit Munt Lastdrager 32 60 kapitein Jan Backer Harder 31 80 (the capatain is called "Capt. de Harder") kapitein Roetjes Fasant van Medemblik 90 (I now believe that the document has "Capt. Roetjes") Directors of Amsterdam kapitein Sijmon Dootjes Keurvorst van Keulen 34 149 Friesland Commander Ship Guns Crew commandeur Frederick Stellingwerff Zevenwolden 34 133 kapitein Bruijnsvelt Breda 32 116 kapitein Wagenaar Graaf Hendrik 34 121 Fireships Commandeur Claeszoon Cleyn Hoop Commandeur Cornelis de Joris Groot Hoop Commandeur Schoonevelt Fortuijn Commandeur Warnaer Crimp Son Galliots schipper Trommel schipper Reynst Corneliszoon
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Saturday, February 03, 2007
Updated version of the June 1653 document
I have a list of ships and some of the captains for ships from about June 1653. There is a very similar list in The First Dutch War, Vol.V, that is from Thurloe's state papers, Vol.I, page 287. This the updated version of that list, slightly reformatted. The reference to the Noorderkwartier ship Fasant van Medemblick is still a mystery,but I think that the captain is Jan Rootjes. The document that this is from is Nationaal Archief 1.03.02 inv. nr. 3 II. The list is ordered by Admiralty/Directors: