Saturday, February 10, 2007

Friesland ships on 6 May 1653

On 6 May 1653, according a Witte de With's letters (E8811), there were three Friesland ships with the fleet. Two were ships of the Admiralty of Friesland and one was a Harlingen Directors' ship:
Adm    Ship             Guns Crew Commander          Length Beam Hold Ht betw Decks
F      Postpaert        30   106  kapitein Kodde     118ft  28ft 11ft 7ft
F      Graef Willem     24    85  kapitein Koenders  129ft  28ft 12ft 6-1/2ft
Ha-Dir Sint Vincent     28   110  kapitein Kleijntje 113ft  26ft 12ft 6ft

  1. David de Wildt, "Notitie van de Scheppen die tegen Wordich int lant sijn", 22 February 1652
  2. Ron van Maanen, unpublished manuscript "Dutch Warships 1600-1800", undated, but circa 1992
  3. Witte de With, letters from 1653 to 1658, Archive E8811 from the Riksarkivet, Stockholm

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