Thursday, May 13, 2004

Some references that would be interesting to see

I had the occasion to look in Vol.II of Schetsen uit de Geschiedenis van ons Zeewezen. I keep seeing sources referenced there, in footnotes, that I really would like find. For example, in notes on page 130:

  • Andries Soury, deputy of their High Majesties, in the Vlie and their High Majesties, Rotterdam, 17 Sept. 1652, list of ships come from the Shetlands
  • Tromp to their High Majesties, 20 Sept. 1652 with a list
  • List of ships of the Admiralty of Amsterdam, 20 Sept. 1652
  • List of ships of the Admiralty of Friesland, 13 Nov. 1652
  • Miss. Dagv. Amsterdam, 18 August 1652. It also says "Het zijn, zooals uit deze opgaven blijkt, vooral de--slecht toegeruste--directieschepen (waarvan er 9 verongelukten) en de grootendeels geheel onzeewaardige branders, die 't het zwaarst te verantwoorden hebben gehad."

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