Discussion devoted mainly to the Anglo-Dutch Wars (at sea), including ships, battles, and persons. Our website, kentishknock.com, is the primary outlet for artwork, research results, and more formal analysis and commentary. Copyright (c) 2003-2007 James C. Bender
Saturday, October 08, 2005
The Dutch fleet on June 30, 1652
On June 30, 1652, Jan Evertsen commanded the van squadron and served as Vice-Admiral of the fleet. Pieter Florissen was a temporary Schout-bij-Nacht, and commanded the rear squadron. He flew his flag at the mizzen. Lt-Admiral Tromp was the Admiral, and he commanded the center squadron. In battle, the captains were to gather around the admiral in their squadron. The squadrons were to maintain their order in the fleet. This is based on the account on page 321 of Vol.I of The First Dutch War.