Monday, February 13, 2006

Dutch Captain: Pieter Cooreman

Pieter Cooreman served the Admiralty of Amsterdam. He commanded the ship Gouden Star (28 guns) in Jacob Binckes squadron at Tobago. The Gouden Star was a veteran of the First Anglo-Dutch War, the ship of Jacob Paulussen Cort. He had arrived at Tobago in September 1676 with the ships Wapen van Hertog van York, Sphera Mundi, and Gouden Monnik. He fought in the battle on 3 March 1677 where he was killed and his ship was burnt. From De Jonge's map, we can see tha the Gouden Star was close to the shore, near the end of the Dutch line. Sources:
  1. James C. Bender, unpublished manuscript "Dutch Ships 1600-1700", 2005.
  2. J. C. De Jonge, Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsche Zeewezen, Vol.II, 1859.
  3. Carl Stapel, unpublished manuscript "Slag bij Tobago 3 maart 1677", 2005.

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