Discussion devoted mainly to the Anglo-Dutch Wars (at sea), including ships, battles, and persons. Our website, kentishknock.com, is the primary outlet for artwork, research results, and more formal analysis and commentary. Copyright (c) 2003-2007 James C. Bender
Monday, April 21, 2008
Lists of ships at the Battle of Scheveningen
I have lists of ships from right before and right after the Battle of Scheveningen (the Zeeslag bij Ter Heide). One curious fact is that I do not see the collection of odd ships that I had thought were in the battle. I was printing the pages with lists last night, so I had a fresh copy with the reference on the pages. For example, while the Roosencrans (44 guns) is there, I did not see the Bonaventura, said to have been hired by the Middelburg Directors. The Bonaventura was the captured English hired merchantman Anthony Bonaventure, captured at the Battle of Dungeness.