Friday, December 31, 2004

I expect to finally be able to obtain the documents from the Zeeuwse Archief

I just heard today that I will be able to obtain the copies of documents from the Zeeuwse Archief (Zeeland Archives) about the Zeeland Directors' ships from the First Anglo-Dutch War (as I understand what these are). Ivo van Loo also informed me of a recently published article by Arjan Otte, "Zeeuwse zeezaken. Een admiraliteit rond de Eerste Engelse oorlog, 1651-1655" in Tijdschrift voor Zeegeschiedenis 23 (2204) pp. 142-157. The documents that I will be receiving are from what Ivo van Loo had written me about a year ago: "At the Zeeuws Archief you can find information about 'director's ships' in the accounts in the archives of the Rekenkamer van Zeeland (Zeeland auditor's office)(Zeeuws Archief, Arch. Rekenkamer II, inv. nrs. 1179a en 1179b)."

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